New Colourways for Modern Sensibility | explore Armadillo's Imbue Collection in store and online


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February 12, 2024 1 min read

Welcoming our return to the showroom with Armadillo’s new Petra rug. A modern take on the traditional Berber-style rug that’s beautifully finished with hand-plaited tassel ends. Hand-knotted into a lush pile from pure New Zealand wool, Petra encourages us to slow down and relax into its meditative softness. 

Petra's available in four standard sizes and 5 gentle hues; Sparrow, Arctic, Storm, Cloud and Blanc. 


 Sparrow and Arctic

Petra Sparrow   Petra Arctic


Storm and Cloud

Petra Storm   Petra Cloud


And finally Blanc, which is also available as a mini sized rug from Armadillo's Nook Collection.

Petra Blanc

If you'd like to try to Petra in your own home, contact our showroom at 159Design for sampling and more information.